Who's Who at SBC
Worship Team
SBC Worship team is a group of people who are members of our church and are born again believers in Christ. Our singers and musicians, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, lead the congregation in worship. Our vision is to honour and lift up the name of Jesus through music and song. To show his love for all and to spread the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus. We aim, week by week, to create an atmosphere where individuals can draw close to the living God.
Current members are Mo Onrust, Liz Briggs, Linda Moors and Brian Drury.
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Team is here to assist the Leadership Team with visiting elderly, sick or housebound members of the congregation
providing coordinated additional temporary support to individuals where there is an identified need, which cannot be met by local friends or family members.
Building a loving community forms an integral part of our wider vision here at SBC.
Current team is Mary and Linda
Prayer Team
Prayer is a central part of the life of our church and takes a variety of forms; individual prayer time, small group prayer sessions, prayer in church and prayer in group meetings. In addition to the prayer suggestions below, click here for a daily devotional.
Give thanks and pray for:
The ongoing ministry and mission of the church as God continues to work in our midst and for the leadership team.
Increased growth, of our fellowship, those who are seeking God and those who are moving into a deeper relationship with God.
The number of people coming to faith in Christ, being baptised and added to the church.
The church’s exciting vision and the potential of further community involvement.
Small group ministry as it facilitates spiritual growth in God’s people.
The continued sense of God’s presence as we meet on Sundays.
The ongoing community outreach of the Church.
Admin Team
The admin team are responsible for organising the use of the church, such as arranging bookings and supporting organisation of events. They also manage how gifts we get are use for Gods ministry in Sabden and further afield. Please contact our Secretary Liz Briggs if you have any queries.
The Deacons are essentially the leadership team, supporting the pastor (or in the absence of a sitting Pastor, Mo Onrust) in the general running and delivery of the church services. Current Deacons are Mo Onrust, Liz Briggs, Linda Moors, Richard Stancliffe and Jean McDermott.
Tech Team
As a local community church we strive to be culturally relevant to the society we live in. This often involves innovating and using media to present a message in a way that is accessible to as many people as possible. Our vision is in two parts. One is about our service to the church and the second is about reaching people outside of our own four walls. We are using newer technologies to help create the best worship environment possible, as when we sing, we are glorifying God. Our goal is to support the worship team, boost the sound, energy and love of the worship for the congregation and be secure that, through our contribution, we are serving God with the talents He gave us and widening our ministry. Charlie Metcalfe currently heads up the team with Jean McDermott.