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This group really is a caring and sharing group.  We have been established 20 years and have shared lots of ups and downs in that time.  God is at the centre of the group and our primary aim is to know more about Jesus and come closer to God.  It has helped us all to grow spiritually, and long may that continue.  Anyone can join us, you don’t have to be a member of the church, or even attend the church services, you just need to have a desire to know more about God.  It is very inclusive and we have people from all denominations in the group. 

Image by Melissa Askew

Caring and Sharing

Tuesdays 10.30am

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Info coming soon

Image by Cassidy Rowell

Bible Study

Wednesdays 7.30pm

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If you want to have a laugh and a giggle mixed with more serious stuff like praying and/ or sharing our ups and downs of the week and you like music, then please join the group whenever you would like to. For us, it's all about fellowship and fun - playing an instrument or having a singing voice is just a bonus and obviously much appreciated. We do not aim for perfection. During this time we choose our songs for the next church service - this can be a song from 'The Mission Praise' songbook or another contemporary Christian song, we sing a mixture of old and new songs.

Image by Caleb George

Worship Practice

Thursdays 7pm

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At SBC, we have a rolling programme of different services, including Scripture Services, Communion Services and Guest Speaker Services.  We also have seasonal services such as at Easter, Christmas and Harvest.  We are a very relaxed and informal fellowship with tea, coffee and biscuits available from start to finish.  

Come along and join in Church or catch our blogs/podcasts - on our website and Facebook page

Image by Arthur Miranda

Sunday Worship


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