Our Services
At SBC, we have a rolling programme of different services, including Scripture Services, Communion Services, Open Services and Guest Speaker Services. We also have seasonal services such as at Easter, Christmas and Harvest. We are a very relaxed and informal fellowship with tea, coffee and biscuits available from start to finish. Not only that, we're still running the service through Zoom for people who prefer to joint worship from home.
Come along and join in Church or catch our blogs/podcasts - on our website and Facebook page
Guest Speaker
We have no regular pastor but we regularly have visiting preachers from other churches who deliver inspiring spiritual/worship based messages for us. We haven’t had a boring one yet! We often record the message, so catch ot on our blog/podcast page

Scripture Service
We invite people from both within our own church membership, or from other churches, who have a desire and willingness to share a scripture-based message with us, to come and enrich us. Sharing Gods word is one way that we increase our church discipleship, just as Jesus taught and nurtured his disciples before his death and resurrection.

Communion Service
Communion is a celebration for those who have decided to follow Jesus. Paul asks us to examine ourselves before taking Communion. If we feel guilty about something, we pray to God and say sorry. If we don’t feel guilty about anything, we probably should do. None of us are perfect, and if we were we would probably be proud, and that would be wrong. Taking Communion is rather like going to see a doctor. We don’t go to see a doctor when we are well, but when we know we need to be better and are ready to accept help.
If you are not sure about your own faith just let the bread and wine pass you by. No one will think any the less of your actions.
We welcome any visitors who are Christians to share in Communion with us, as we are all part of the same body of Christ.

Open Service
We are blessed with a fellowship who want to grow in discipleship. Sharing experiences with the fellowship to show the many many ways that God and the Holy Spirit work in our lives is an awesome testimony and a way of strengthening our faith. There is no requirement for theological training, just the willingness to share something spiritual that has touched us.