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Is God to blame? by Charlie Metcalfe from SBC


I was speaking recently to my sister and she was telling me about a conversation between herself and a non-Christian friend of hers who said something along the lines of “Well, we can see now that God is punishing us with this virus for abusing the Earth”. I felt, as did she, that it was so sad that that is how some people see this current crisis. But I am not learned enough as yet to easily recount bible scripture that can counter such negative beliefs. So, I did some study and the following resulted.

Before Jesus came to save us, before he was put to death to take away all of our sins, past present and future, fair enough; God did bring some terrible events on the world – the great flood that washed the world clean of sins, that wiped out mankind, except for the ones Noah saved through thankfully having enough faith to build an ark! He brought plagues like recalled in the book of Joshua, killing of the Egyptians in the sea after the Israelites had crossed safely through it.

But (I know, you should never start a sentence with "but"....) the crucial thing is that this was BEFORE Jesus was sent, BY GOD, to save us and bear all our sins. God gave his one and only son to be a living sacrifice, to give him up so that we would all be saved. So if indeed God was such a bad God, and was responsible for bringing this virus ( and other terrible world events) upon us as a punishment for abusing his Earth, it would render his and Jesus' sacrifice, death, resurrection and ascension completely worthless, and so very sad and so very disappointing.

I think back to a part of a song by John Alexander Wilson, Heavens Eyes, and the lyrics:

“If the bible isn’t true,

then what moral ground have you,

to blame my righteous God when loved ones die,

yet if what he says is right,

there’s a purpose to this life,

and the saviours arms are open wide for you. “

I’ve really been thinking hard on these lyrics, particularly just now. If people blame God for what is happening, I think then at least it shows that they must believe in God. That’s great if they believe! "If what he says is right" – The Bible shows us that it is right. John 1:1 – In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God. If people don’t believe the Word and therefore don’t believe God, on what basis can they blame God for what we are going through. And if we do believe the word, His arms are open wide for us. It feels fantastic to know that I have someone standing with open arms, just waiting for me to walk into them.

The scripture that I need to remember when people blame God for what we are going through is John 16:33.

"I have said these things to you, so that in ME you may have peace. In this world, you have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

We were never promised a life without trouble, tribulation. Jesus himself suffered great troubles and tribulation in his life, culminating in him willingly taking himself to be a sacrifice for us. He knew that we would at times be troubled. And he had an answer for us. John 14:27-29

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. You heard me say I am going away and I am coming back to you. If you loved me, you will be glad that I am going to the father, for the Father is greater than I. I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe me.

At the minute, many people will be feeling many different negative thoughts, feelings and emotions within them, like doubt, uncertainty, fear. The power of the Holy Spirit, when we let it, brings the peace God and Jesus promised us into our hearts and minds, overpowering these negative forces in times if trouble and tribulation. Jesus says clearly that he will give us that peace if we are willing to accept him.

So, even more since hearing that people blame God for our current situation (this pandemic and at other times too) I feel called upon, as a Christian, as a believer of God and a disciple of Jesus, to openly declare and share, more than ever before, with greater defiance, our faith, so that I can encourage faith, hope, fellowship and peace in all who have ears to listen.

Wishing you all Gods richest blessings

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1 comentário

04 de abr. de 2020

Nothing theologically wrong with that. Jesus always spoke from the heart of God. As you have just done. Every blessing.

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