Having read the account of the last days of Jesus I have seen something different for me this time. I used to go to a bible study at Blackburn Cathedral where we all read the same passage, then spent time reflecting on it sharing at the end the words that God had spoken to us. It was fascinating the different things that came from the same passage, but here I was seeing something different in a passage I have read several times. I was even lucky enough to go to Oberhamagan and see "The Passion" acted out and from that I realised clearly that we are all in a spiritual battle, and that has been a revelation that has helped me so much over the years. But now God is showing me something of great importance again.
I read several passages in the bible that point out the need for the crucifixion to take place so that the friend (the Holy Spirit) can come as promised. So not only did Jesus die to take away our sins and give us eternal life, it was necessary so that the Holy Spirit could come and live in us. Wow! That is so important as that changes everything. Without the Holy Spirit living in us, we wouldn't recognise the blessings we receive everyday, we wouldn't know Gods guidance and strength and we wouldn't have Gods comfort and protection. It was an amazing thing that God did to send his son to live on earth and die such a cruel death.
We are all anxious at this time about getting the virus. Imagine how Jesus felt knowing that he was facing death on the cross. His answer was to pray, and a wonderful thing has come out of this anxious time, and that is that people have started to pray, even if it is something they are not used to doing.
It tells us in 2 Chronicles 7 verses 13/14 "Whenever I hold back the rain or send locusts to eat up the crops or send an epidemic on my people, if they pray to me and repent and turn away from the evil they have been doing then I will hear them in heaven, forgive their sins and make their land prosperous again." These are very encouraging words. We know there are tough times ahead, just as Jesus knew, but if we keep our eyes on God we will come through victorious just as Jesus did.
So let's pray without ceasing and continue to trust God in all things and be forever grateful for the sacrifice Jesus made for us, just as we need to be forever grateful to all NHS workers, police, firemen and all people everywhere who are doing the most amazing things. God bless, do not be worried or anxious. trust God always and pray without ceasing.
God Bless and Happy Easter