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Check out what SBC has been up to during the Covid Pandemic!

We've had Regular Worship, and we're still having it.


Like many other churches near and far, SBC faced a very uncertain time at the start of the pandemic.  By Gods grace we rapidly discovered Zoom, an awesome platform that enabled us to continue worshipping in fellowship together, albeit from our individual homes.  Thankfully Zoom can be used by people over a phone line, so no laptop/tablet etc needed!  We are proof that God doesn’t need us all in one building, for “when two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). 


Amazingly, we have managed to still do all of our church activity over Zoom.  Each week, all or part of our fellowship meets, on Zoom, on a Tuesday morning at 10.30 for Caring and Sharing, on a Wednesday at 7pm for lively and spiritually energising Bible Study, on a Thursday at 7pm for even livelier worship practice where we plan and practice all the elements for the coming Sunday worship, and finally we have the Sunday Worship at 10.30am.


The tech group made joining in with fellowship easy with colourful and vibrant slides showing the words for songs and scripture readings.  Another element that we have explored is different ways of singing/sharing songs.  We learned early on that all singing openly didn’t work (just trust me…), so we all sing along in our own homes while songs are sung, either a’ Capella or with individual instruments, by the various members of the music group from their homes.  We’ve also played YouTube versions where the singer and full band has prepped it all for us!  We’ve recently discovered the ability to share through our website and Facebook page, the message that we hear in the service!  So no one has to miss out.  Check out the Blog page!


Until we can all meet safely again in our Church building, we will continue to enjoy fellowship like you can see in the pictures below, with all who wish to join us. 



We've shared prayer, almost daily, with Sabden and far beyond (to different continents!!)


Like we say at the start of our page, we believe that a single action can make a difference in the community.  We have been really blessed to be able to still share worship over these very difficult and sometimes lonely, isolated months.  Some haven’t been so lucky.  One way that we have tried to reach out to people, thanks to a core group of people within SBC,  has been through (almost) daily bespoke prayers on Facebook, reminding people of Gods presence in their lives and keeping people uplifted and connected.  We have prayed for the Leaders of the Nations, Decision-makers and Cobra, for the NHS, Emergency Services and Aid agencies, for  families, Schools and Communities,  for the Elderly, Vulnerable, Children and their well-being, for breaking the power of the virus and for Research, for provisions, supply and Businesses and finally for  the Recovery of The Nations.  No-one has been left out!  


We know that, amazingly, the prayers have reached different continents, and we hope and pray that they have been a blessing to those they have reached.  If you think that you or someone else cold benefit from the prayers that we share, pop through to our Facebook Page and give them a like, then share away to spread the blessing.

We've given the SBC Graveyard some much needed TLC


Earlier this year I read a letter in my newspaper from someone complaining about a lack of volunteers for carrying out various tasks during the pandemic.   This prompted me to send the following response to the paper:-

“Our church graveyard is just under Pendle Hill.   It is on the site of the first Baptist Chapel in Sabden.   The church was built in the 1790’s and subsequently moved to larger premises further down the hill.   The original church building was demolished, and there are now more than 100 graves, the first one dating approximately 1850 and the final burial taking place in February this year.


In May everything looked overgrown and there were complaints in

the village.   The local doctor, who is a member of the church,

decided to start work in the graveyard and some of her patients

became aware of what she was doing.   This resulted in several local

people arriving at the graveyard to help her carry out essential

gardening.   Over the last two months several local people have

started to take an interest in the graveyard and we now have many

volunteers who are becoming very proud of the graveyard in their

village.   It has been quite noisy with lawn movers and tree cutting

equipment.   One gravestone reads “Peace, perfect peace”.  

We have also highlighted three War Graves.


The volunteers in the village are a wonderful example of a local

community working together during this difficult time”.

Unfortunately this letter was not printed in the newspaper but I felt

it was good to share this with the village and, particularly, to say

thank you to all those who have given their time and donations to

the maintenance of the graveyard.   Much work has been carried out in the graveyard since I sent my original letter.   The War Graves have become a centre of interest in the village and this was highlighted on Remembrance Sunday.


Anthony Briggs


Past Events

Harvest Service Offerings

Harvest @ SBC

6th October, 2019

We were delighted to have our mums and tots with us to celebrate the harvest festival together. We were greatly blessed with their presence and their amazing artwork!

The Waterfall Journey Weekend

The Waterfall Journey Leads

28th-29th September, 2019

We were greatly blessed to host the 'Waterfall Journey' weekend at our church. Thank you to Angie, Prudence and Stephen for sharing their wonderful ministry with us. It was God-inspired, thought-provoking, heart-warming, inspiring and ever a reminder to stand and remain in the waterfall of God's all-encompassing love. For more information please check out the link:

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